Major General Agha Masood Akram, Hilal-e-Imtiaz (Military), Retired, Director General Army Institute of Military History (AIMH), educated the student officers on ‘Military History in Pakistan’. Lecture was delivered on campus. After giving an overview of importance of military history in larger discipline of history, he explained how study of military history contributes towards grooming of commanders and staff officers. Moreover, it also compensates for deficiency in individual experiences, enables them in understanding ‘Principles of War’ in historical context, sharpens professional skills and develops enhanced understanding of adversary. Thereafter, he dilated on military history of Pakistan from 1947 onwards, wherein, he emphasized on importance of extracting relevant lessons from the past and projecting it to own environment. He also underlined the importance of archiving accurate military history alongwith certain impediments to archiving process, such as; tendency to avoid detailed compilation of wars and distorted war diary accounts. In the end, he acquainted the audience on the role of AIMH in preserving and promoting military history in Pakistan. Talk was followed by an interactive Question and Answer session.