The College designs, develops, implements and evaluates the study programmes that prepare officers for staff appointments at Brigade, Division and Higher Echelons. It grooms officers to assume greater responsibilities of Command and Staff as they grow in service. To ensure a progressive development of the course, the syllabus is thoroughly reviewed each year keeping the requirements of the Armed Forces as well as the broader grooming of officers in view. We are dedicated to strive for and maintain the highest standards of training, education and professional excellence.

Instructions are designed to develop students’ reasoning and decision making abilities, character, self-expression and team work. Specifically, the student must be able to recognize a problem, determine the basic issues involved and obtain necessary information for solution. He must understand and properly apply principles, analyze problems and arrive at sound logical conclusions and decisions with reasonable speed. Intellectual development of officers remains the cornerstone of curricular activities with our endeavour, to help our students in Learning to Think.