Major General Agha Masood Akram, Hilal-i-Imtiaz (Military), Retired, Director General Army Institute of Military History (AIMH), educated the student officers on ‘Military History in Pakistan’. Lecture was delivered on Campus. The Guest Speaker dilated upon importance of military history as it carried lessons learned through trial and error and helps in developing tactics and techniques. Study of military history helps in performing leadership functions. He also explained that conflict is the breeding ground for military history and it is considered as the major ingredient in the cohesion and patriotism of any nation if it is preserved and owned by that nation. Thereafter, he emphasized that military history is a complex subject which requires qualified military researchers and teachers; hence this subject is not for everyone. The Guest Speaker also dilated upon military history of Pakistan from partition onwards, wherein, he emphasized upon importance of extracting lessons from the past and projecting these to own environment. Thereafter, the Guest Speaker explained the importance of archiving accurate military history alongwith challenges involved in this process. In the end, he acquainted the audience on the role of AIMH in preserving and promoting military history in Pakistan. Talk was followed by an interactive Question and Answer session.